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  • Haiou Huang, Ph.D., Prof.


    Dr. Huang is a Professor in Environmental Engineering at Beijing Normal University, China and an Adjunct Associate Professor in Environmental Health Sciences at the Johns Hopkins University, USA. His research has been focused on physicochemical processes in natural and engineered aquatic systems, with specialties in membrane water treatment, rural water supply, and the implications and applications of aquatic nanoparticles.

    Contact Information:

    Address: No. 19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China

    Postal code: 1000875

    Telephone/Fax: 8610-58807734


    Research Areas:

    1.Aquatic colloids and interfaces

    2.Water quality science and process engineering

    3.Membrane water treatment

    4.Implications/applications of aquatic nanomaterials

    5.Safety of water supply in rural areas

    Educational Background:

    1995 Beijing Institute of Light Industry (now Beijing University of Commerce and Technology), B.Sc., Environmental Engineering

    1998  Tsinghua University, M.Sc., Environmental Engineering

    2006 The Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D., Geography and Environmental Engineering

    Professional Experiences:

    2013.7 to date, Professor, Beijing Normal University; Adjunct Associate Professor, The Johns Hopkins University

    2012.3~2013.6 Assistant Professor, The Johns Hopkins University

    2009.10~2013.2 Assistant Scientist, The Johns Hopkins University

    2008.8~2009.9 Research Associate, The Johns Hopkins University

    2006.9~2008.7 Postdoctoral fellow, The Johns Hopkins University, Center for Water and Health


    1.Graduate course: Leading Edge in Water Quality Science and Process Engineering

    2.Undergraduate course:Introduction to Environmental Pollution Control, under construction

    Research Project:

    ·“Development and application of decentralized water treatment technology”, startup grant, awarded by the 1000 Talented Young Researcher Plan of China, 2015 (approved in 2012)

    ·“Preparation of nanocomposite membranes for decentralized water treatment”, grant awarded by the State Key Joint Laboratory in Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, 2013-2015

    ·“Colloid chemistry of low pressure membrane fouling during water treatment”, grant awarded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015

    ·“Technological and mechanistic study of membrane-based municipal wastewater reuse”, a corporative grant awarded by the Beijing Municipality under a Green City Initiative, 2015

    Selected Journal Publications (* corresponding author):

    ·Jing Ma, Yifei Wang, Xiaolei Zhang, Haiou Huang*. Filtration of protein colloids by fibrous membranes: A mechanistic investigation using packed bed filtration approach. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Accepted.

    ·Yifei Wang, Jin Ma, Jiaxin Zhu, Ning Ye, Xiaolei Zhang, Haiou Huang* (2016). Multi-walled carbon nanotubes with selected properties for dynamic filtration of pharmaceuticals and personal care products. Water Research, 92, pp104-112.

    ·Yifei Wang, Jiaxin Zhu, Haiou Huang*, and Hyunhee Cho* (2015). Carbon nanotube composite membranes for microfiltration of pharmaceuticals and personal care products: Capabilities and potential mechanisms. Journal of Membrane Science. 479, pp165-174.

    ·Haiou Huang*, Howard Fairbrother, Benoit Teychene, Gaurav Ajamani, Talia Abbott Chalew, Hyunhee Cho, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph Jacangelo (2014). Carbon nanotube composite membranes for small “designer” water treatment systems. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 14(5), pp917-923.

    ·Zhengyang Wang, Benoit Teychene, Talia E. Abbott Chalew, Gaurav Ajmani, Tao Zhou, Haiou Huang*, Xiaohui Wu* (2014). Aluminum-humic colloid formation during pre-coagulation for membrane water treatment: Mechanisms and impacts. Water Research. 61, pp171-180.

    ·Gaurav Ajmani, Talia E. Abbott Chalew, Benoit Teychene, Yifei Wang, Joseph G. Jacangelo, and Haiou Huang* (2014). Effect of hydrodynamic diameter on the sieving of waterborne carbon nanotubes by porous membranes. Journal of Membrane Science. In press.

    ·Gaurav Ajmani, Hyunhee Cho, Talia E. Abbott Chalew, Kellogg Schwab, Joseph G. Jacangelo, and Haiou Huang* (2014). Static and dynamic removal of aquatic natural organic matter by carbon nanotubes. Water Research. 59, pp262-270

    ·Talia E. Abbott Chalew, Gaurav S. Ajmani, Haiou Huang, and Kellogg Schwab* (2013). Evaluating nanoparticle breakthrough during drinking water treatment. Environmental Health Perspectives, 121(10), pp1161-1166.

    ·Lahr Miranda, Haiou Huang, Kellogg Schwab, Howard Fairbrother, Benoit Teychene* (2013). Generating backwashable carbon nanotube mats on the inner surface of polymeric hollow fiber membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 446, pp59-67.

    ·Gaurav Ajmani, David Goodwin, Kristofer Marsh, Howard Fairbrother, Kellogg Schwab, Joseph Jacangelo, and Haiou Huang* (2012). Modification of low pressure membranes with carbon nanotube layers for fouling control. Water Research, 46(17), pp5645-5654.

    ·Haiou Huang*, Hyun-Hee Cho, Joseph Jacangelo, and Kellogg Schwab (2012). Mechanisms of membrane fouling reduction by ion exchange and coagulation pretreatment. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(19), pp10711-10717.

    ·Haiou Huang*, Hyun-hee Cho, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph Jacangelo (2012). Effects of magnetic ion exchange on low pressure membrane filtration of natural surface water. Water Research. 46(17), pp5483-5490.

    ·Haiou Huang, Thayer Young, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph G. Jacangelo* (2012). Mechanisms of virus removal from secondary wastewater effluent by low pressure membrane filtration. Journal of Membrane Science. 409-410, pp1-8.

    ·Hyun-Hee Cho, Haiou Huang*, and Kellogg Schwab (2011). Effects of solution chemistry on the adsorption of ibuprofen and triclosan onto carbon nanotubes. Langmuir. 27(21), pp12960-12967.

    ·Haiou Huang*, Hyunhee Cho, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph G. Jacangelo (2011). Effects of feedwater pretreatment on the removal of organic microconstituents by a low fouling reverse osmosis membrane.  Desalination. 281, 446-454.

    ·Haiou Huang*, Joseph G. Jacangelo, and Kellogg Schwab (2011). Decentralized membrane filtration system for sustainable and safe drinking water supply in low-income countries: A baseline study. Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE. 137(11), 981-990.

    ·Haiou Huang*, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph G. Jacangelo (2011). Development of a robust bench-scale testing unit for low-pressure membranes used in water treatment. Membrane Water Treatment, 2(2), pp121-136.

    ·Wei Long*, Haiou Huang, Jasmine Serlemitsos, Elizabeth Liu, Allen H Reed, and Markus Hilpert (2010). Pore-scale study of the collector efficiency of nanoparticles in packings of nonspherical collectors. Colloids and Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 358, pp163-171.

    ·Haiou Huang, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph  G. Jacangelo* (2009). Pretreatment for low pressure membranes in water treatment: a review.  Environmental Science & Technology, 43(9), pp3011-3019.

    ·Haiou Huang, Thayer A. Young and Joseph G. Jacangelo* (2009). Innovative approach for the analysis of bench-scale, low pressure membrane fouling in water treatment.  Journal of Membrane Science, 334(1-2), pp1-8.

    ·Melissa C. Opryszko, Haiou Huang, Kurt Soderland, and Kellogg Schwab* (2009). Data gaps in evidence-based research on Small Water Enterprises in developing countries. Journal of Water and Health, 7(4), pp609-622.

    ·Haiou Huang and Charles R. O’Melia* (2008). Direct-flow microfiltration of aquasols: II. On the role of colloidal natural organic matter. Journal of Membrane Science, 325(2), pp903-913.

    ·Haiou Huang, Thayer A. Young, and Joseph G. Jacangelo* (2008).   Chlorine induced permeability recovery for low pressure membrane filtration of natural waters. Journal of Membrane Science, 325(1), pp50-57.

    ·Haiou Huang, Rodrigue Spinette, and Charles O’Melia* (2008). Direct-flow microfiltration of aquasols: I. Impacts of particle stabilities and size. Journal of Membrane Science, 314(1), pp90-100.

    ·Haiou Huang, Thayer A. Young, and Joseph G. Jacangelo* (2008).  Unified Membrane Fouling Index for low pressure membrane filtration of natural waters: Principles and methodology.  Environmental Science & Technology, 42(3), pp714-720.

    ·Haiou Huang, NoHwa Lee, Thayer Young, Gary Amy, and Joseph G. Jacangelo* (2007). Natural organic matter fouling of low pressure, hollow fiber membranes: Effects of NOM source and hydrodynamic conditions.  Water Research, 41(17), pp3823-3832.

    Selected Oral Presentations (* presenter):

    ·Haiou Huang*, Howard Fairbrother, Benoit Teychene, Gaurav Ajamani, Talia Abbott Chalew, Hyunhee Cho, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph Jacangelo (2013). Carbon nanotube composite membranes for small “designer” water treatment systems. Presented at the 11th IWA Conference on Small Water & Wastewater Systems and Sludge Management, Harbin, China

    ·Haiou Huang, Gaurav Ajmani*, David Goodwin, Howard Fairbrother, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph Jacangelo (2012). Antifouling properties of carbon nanotube structures and their applications in membrane water treatment. Presented at the 86th ACS Colloids and Surface Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

    ·Gaurav Ajmani*, Haiou Huang, David Goodwin, Kristofer Marsh, Miranda Lahr, Kellogg Schwab, Joseph Jacangelo, and Howard Fairbrother (2012). Carbon nanotube based antifouling membranes for sustainable water treatment. Proceedings of the 2012 American Chemistry Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA

    ·Hyunhee Cho, Haiou Huang*, Joseph G. Jacangelo, and Kellogg Schwab (2011). Effect of fulvic acid on the sustained removal of organic microconstituents by carbon nanotubes modified MF membrane. Proceedings of the 2011 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, California, USA

    ·Haiou Huang*, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph G. Jacangelo (2011). Effects of selective removal of natural organic matter on membrane filtration of natural water.  Proceedings of the 2011 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, California, USA

    ·Haiou Huang, Kellogg Schwab, and Joseph G. Jacangelo* (2011). Effect of magnetic ion exchange pretreatment on the removal of organic microconstituents by low pressure reverse osmosis.  Proceedings of the 2011 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, California, USA

    Social Activities:

    ·IWA Membrane Technology Committee, China,committee member, 2015 - now

    ·Journal editor: Emerging Contaminants, 2015 – now