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  • Curriculum Vitae

    Xuan Wang

    Professor, Ph.D

    Institute of Water Sources and Rivers, Beijing Normal University

    Add: No.19 Xinjiekouwai St. Beijing

    100875, P.R.China

    Tel: 86-10-58800830


    Education Background

    1990/09—1994/07  Department of hydraulic engineering, Sichuan University, Bachelor

    1994/09—1997/07 State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics on High Speed Flows, Sichuan University, Master

    1997/09—2000/07  Institute of Environmental Science, Beijing Normal University, Doctor

    Professional Experience

    2000-  Lecturer, Associate professor, Professor in Beijing Normal University

    2002  Visiting scholar, Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory in Brigham Young University, USA

    20022003  Visiting scholar, college of engineering in University of Regina, Canada

    Major Academic Achievements

    1.Wang X*, Hao GL, Yang ZF, Liang PY, Cai YP, Li CH, Sun L, Zhu J. Variation analysis of streamflow and ecological flow for the twin rivers of the Miyun Reservoir Basin in northern China from 1963 to 2011. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 536: 739–749. (SCI)

    2.Wang X*, Cui GN, Wu FF, Li CH. Analysis of temporal-spatial precipitation variations during the cropgrowth period in the Lancang River basin, southwestern China. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 76: 47-56. (SCI)

    3.Zhu J, Wang X*, Zhang LX, Cheng HG, Yang ZF. System dynamics modeling of the influence of the TN/TP concentrations in socioeconomic water on NDVI in shallow lakes. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 76: 27-35. (SCI)

    4.Wu FF, Wang X*, Cai YP, Li CH. Spatiotemporal analysis of precipitation trends under climate change in the upper reach of Mekong River basin. Quaternary International, DOI 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.05.049, Online.(SCI)

    5.Cui Q, Wang X*, Li CH, Cai YP, Liu Q, Li R. Ecosystem service value analysis of CO2 management based on landuse change of Zoige alpine peat wetland, Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 76: 158-165. (SCI)

    6.Wang YL, Wang X*, Li CH, Wu FF, Yang ZF. Spatiotemporal analysis of temperature trends under climate change in the source region of the Yellow River, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2015, 119(1-2):123-133.(SCI)

    7.Cui Q, Wang X*, Li CH, Cai YP, Liang PY. Improved Thomas-Fiering and wavelet neural network models for cumulative errors reduction in reservoir inflow forecast. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, DOI 10.1016/j.jher.2015.05.003, Online. (SCI)

    8.Wang X*, Zhu J, Ma FB. Bayesian network-based risk assessment for hazmat transportation in the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2015. DOI 10.1007/s00477-015-1113-6, Online. (SCI)

    9.Wang X*, Ma FB, Li CH, Zhu J. A Bayesian method for water resources vulnerability assessment: a case study of the Zhangjiakou Region, north China. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, Article ID120873, 16 pages. (SCI)

    10.Su JQ, Wang X*, Zhao SY, Chen B, Li CH, Yang ZF. A structurally simplified hybrid model of genetic algorithm and support vector machine for prediction of chlorophyll a in reservoirs. Water, 2015, 7: 1610-1627. (SCI)

    11.Jia XL, Li CH*, Cai YP, Wang X, Sun L. An improved method for integrated water security assessment in the Yellow River basin, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, DOI 10.1007/s00477-014-1012-2. (SCI)

    12.Wang X*, Liang PY, Li CH, Wu FF. Analysis of regional temperature variations characteristics in the Lancang River Basin in southwestern China, Quaternary International, 2014, 333: 198-206.(SCI)

    13.Wang F, Wang X*, Zhao Y, Yang ZF. Temporal variations of NDVI and its correlation with hydro-climatological variables in lake Baiyangdian, China. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2014, 58(7):1531-1543 .(SCI)

    14.Wang F, Wang X*, Zhao Y, Yang ZF. Correlation analysis of NDVI dynamics and hydro-meteorological variables in growth period for four land use types of a water scarce area. Earth Science Informatics. 2014, 7(3):187-196.(SCI)

    15.Wang F, Wang X*, Zhao Y, Yang ZF. Long-term Periodic Structure and Seasonal Trend Decomposition of Water Level in Lake Baiyangdian, North China. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 11(2): 327-338. (SCI)

    16.Ma FB, Li CH, Wang X*, Sun CC, Liang PY. A Bayesian method for water quality evaluation of Danjiangkou Reservoir, water source area for middle route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China. Frontiers of Earth Sciences, 2014, 8(2): 242–250.(SCI)

    17.Su JQ, Wang X*, Chen B. GA-Based Support Vector Mashine Model for Precipitation of Monthly Reservoir Storage. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2014, 19:1430-1437.(SCI)

    18.Cui GN, Wang X*, Xu LY, Zhang J, Yu B. An improved method for evaluating ecological suitability of hydropower development by considering water footprint and transportation connectivity in Tibet, China. Water science and technology, 2014, 70(6): 1099-1107.(SCI)

    19.Wang X, Li JQ, Li YX*, Shen ZY, Wang X, Yang ZF, Lou Inchio. Is urban development an urban river killer? A case study of Yongding Diversion Channel in Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26(6): 1232–1237.(SCI

    20.Wang F, Wang X*, Zhao Y, Yang ZF. Chlorophyll a simulation in a lake ecosystem using a model with wavelet analysis and artificial neural network. Environmental Management, 2013, 51: 1044–1054.(SCI)

    21.Su JQ, Wang X*. An ecological suitability assessment model for urban land use based on the support vector machine algorithm. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22 (12a): 3632-3638.(SCI)

    22.Wang X*, Su JQ, Cai YP, Tan YY, Yang ZF, Wang F. An integrated approach for early warning of water scarcity in shallow lakes: a case study in Lake Baiyangdian, North China. Lake and Reservoir Management, 2013, 29(4): 285-302. (SCI)

    23.Guo XJ*, Du W, Wang X, Yang ZF. Degradation and structure change of humic acids corresponding to water decline in Zoige peatland, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 445–446: 231–236.(SCI)

    24.Tan YY, Wang X*, Cai YP, Li CH, Yang ZF. Quantitative estimation method of ecological flows in Zoige alpine wetland, Southwest China. Environmental Earth Science, 2012, 66(5):1525-1533.(SCI)

    25.Wu FF, Wang X*, Cai YP, Yang ZF, Li CH. Spatiotemporal analysis of temperature-variation patterns under climate change in the upper reach of Mekong River basin. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 427-428: 208-218.(SCI)

    26.Wang X*, Cui Q, Li SY. An optimal water allocation model based on water resources security assessment and its application in Zhangjiakou Region, northern China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2012, 69:57– 65.(SCI)

    27.Wang F, Wang X*, Zhao Y, Yang ZF. Nutrient Response to Periodic Hydrological Fluctuations in a Recharging Lake: a case study of Lake Baiyangdian. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2012, 21: 1254-1262.(SCI)

    28.Wang F, Wang X*, Zhao Y, Yang ZF. Long-term Water Quality Variations and Chlorophyll a Simulation with an Emphasis on Different Hydrological Periods in Lake Baiyangdian, Northern China. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2012, 20(2):90-102.(SCI)

    29.Cai YP, Huang GH*, Wang X, Tan Q. An inexact programming approach for supporting ecologically sustainable water supply with the consideration of uncertain water demand by ecosystems. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 2011, 25(5): 721-735.(SCI)

    30.Tan YY, Wang X*, Wang YL. Research progress in cold region wetlands, China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2011, 3(5).

    31.Wang X*, Meng ZL, Chen B, Yang ZF, Li C. Simulation of nitrogen contaminant transportation by a compact difference scheme in the downstream Yellow River, China. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009, 14(3): 935-945.(SCI)

    32.Wang X*, Yang ZF, Huang GH, Chen B. A high-order compact difference scheme for 2D Laplace and Poisson equations in non-uniform grid systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009, 14(2): 379-398.(SCI)

    33.Wang X, Yang ZF*, Huang GH. A High-order compact difference scheme for convection-diffusion problems on non-uniform grids. ASCE’s Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2005, 131(12): 1221-1228.(SCI)

    34.Chen H, Yang ZF*, Wang X. Influence of the Haizhou open pit coal mine on the atmospheric flow over Fuxin, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(6): 978-980.(SCI)

    35.Li CH, Yang ZF*, Wang X. Trends of annual natural runoff in the Yellow River Basin. Water International, 2004, 29(4): 447-454.(SCI)