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ZHANG Lixiao
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  • Lixiao Zhang; Associate Professor

    Dr. Lixiao Zhang is Associate Professor within School of Environment at Beijing Normal University. For more than 12 years, Dr. Zhang has been working on ecological accounting and modelling of eco-economic systems, such as industrial systems, renewable energy systems and urban energy systems, resulting in over 70 published academic articles in journals and conferences of international standing. Since 2014, Dr. Zhang has been the deputy dean of School of Environment.


    Address: 19# Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing

    Postcode: 100875

    Telephone: 010-58807266



    ·Urban ecosystem assessment and planning

    ·Energy system analysis and carbon emission accounting

    ·Rural energy and renewable energy

    ·Resource metabolism and ecological thermodynamics


    ·Ph.D., 2001-2004. College of Environmental Sciences, Peking University, major in Environmental Sciences.

    ·M. Sc., 1999-2001. College of Environmental Sciences, Peking University, major in Environmental Sciences.

    ·B. Sc., 1995-1999. Department of Environmental Sciences, Qingdao University, major in Environmental Planning and Management.


    ·2005-present, Associate Professor, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, China

    ·2004-2005, Research assistant, Institute of Botany in Boku University of Austria.


    ·Ecological Modelling—Master course

    ·Environmental Changes and Ecological Civilization—Undergraduate course

    ·Landscape Ecology—Undergraduate course (joint course with Professor Shiliang Liu)



    1、Zhang, L.X.*, Yang, Z.F., Voinov, A., Gao, S.L. 2016. Nature inspired stormwater management practice provides real and permanent good: Ecological wisdom underlying the Tuanchen drainage system in Beijing, China and its contemporary relevance. Landscape and Urban Planning, Online. (SCI)

    2、Zhang, L.X.*, Hao, Y., Chang, Y., Pang, M.Y., Tang, S.J. 2016. Emergy based resource intensities of industry sectors in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, Online. (SCI, EI)

    3、Wang, C.B., Zhang, Y.Q., Zhang, L.X.*, Pang, M.Y. 2016. Alternative policies to subsidize rural household biogas digesters. Energy Policy 93,187–195 (SCI, EI)

    4、Hao, Y., Cai, Y.P., Zhang, L.X., Su, M.R., Yang, Z.F. 2016. Identification of low-carbon strategies for post-earthquake development in the city of Guangyuan based on an inexact two stage stochastic programming approach. Habitat International 53, 413-429 (SCI)

    5、Chang, Y., Li, G.J., Yao, Y., Zhang, L.X., Yu, C. 2016. Quantifying the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Current Status and Trends. Energies 2016, 9(2), 65 (SCI, EI)

    6、Cai, B.F., Wang, J.N., Long, Y., Li, W.X., Liu, J.G., Ni, Z., Bo, X., Li, D., Wang, J.H., Chen, X.J., Gao, Q.X., Zhang, L.X. 2015. Evaluating the impact of odors from the 1955 landfills in China using a bottom-up approach. Journal of Environmental Management.64,206-214 (SCI)

    7、Wang, C.B., Zhang, L.X.*, Chang, Y., Pang, M.Y. 2015. Biomass direct-fired power generation system in China: An integrated energy, GHG emissions, and economic evaluation for Salix. Energy Policy. 84, 155–165 (SCI, EI)

    8、Pang, M.Y., Zhang, L.X.*, Ulgiati, S., Wang, C.B.2015. Ecological impacts of small hydropower in China: Insights from an emergy analysis of a case plant. Energy Policy. 76, 112-122 (SCI, EI)

    9、Pang, M.Y., Zhang, L.X.*, Wang, C.B., Liu, G.Y. 2015. Environmental life cycle assessment of a small hydropower plant in China. Int J Life Cycle Assess. 20, 796–806 (SCI)

    10、Zhang, L.X., Feng, Y.Y., Zhao, B.H. 2015. Disaggregation of energy-saving targets for China's provinces: modeling results and real choices. Journal of Cleaner Production.103, 837-846 (SCI, EI)

    11、Cai, B.F., Yang, W.S., Zhang, L.X.*, Feng, Y.Y. 2014. China CO2 emissions performance analysis at sub-province level. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. In press (SCI)

    12、Hao, Y., Su, M.R., Zhang, L.X., Cai, Y.P., Yang, Z.F. 2015. Integrated accounting of urban carbon cycle in Guangyuan, a mountainous city of China: the impacts of earthquake and reconstruction. 103, 231-240 (SCI, EI)

    13、Hao, Y., Zhang, L.X., Cai, Y.P., Su, M.R., Yang, Z.F. 2014. High-Resolution Mapping of Carbon Flows in Urban Systems: A Case Study in Guanyuan, an Earthquake-Affected Mountainous City of China. Journal of Environmental Informatics. In press (SCI)

    14、Zhu, J., Wang, X., Zhang, L.X., Cheng, H.G., Yang, Z.F. 2015. System dynamics modeling of the influence of the TN/TP concentrations in socioeconomic water on NDVI in shallow lakes. Ecological Engineering.76, 27-35 (SCI, EI)

    15、Liu, G.Y., Yang, Z.F., Chen, B., Zhang, L.X., Zhang, Y., Su, M.R. 2015. An Ecological Network Perspective in Improving Reserve Design and Connectivity: A Case Study of Wuyishan Nature Reserve in China. Ecological Modelling. 306, 185-194 (SCI, EI)

    16、Wang, J.N., Cai, B.F., Zhang, L.X., Cao, D., Liu, L.C., Zhou, Y., Zhang, Z.S. and Xue, W.B. 2014.High resolution carbon dioxide emission gridded data for China derived from point sources. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48, 7085−7093 (SCI, EI)

    17、Qiao Z., Tian, G.J., Zhang, L.X., Xu, X.L.2014.Influences of Urban Expansion on Urban Heat Island in Beijing during 1989–2010.Advances in Meteorology.1-11 (SCI)

    18、Zhang, L.X., Hu, Q.H., Zhang, F.2014.Input-output modeling for urban energy consumption in Beijing: Dynamics and Comparison. Plos one 9(3):1-11 (SCI)

    19、Zhang, L.X., Wang, C.B.2014.Energy and GHG Analysis of Rural Household Biogas Systems in China. Energies, 7, 767-784 (SCI, EI)

    20、Zhang, L.X., Wang, C.B., Bahaj, A.S. 2014. Carbon emissions by rural energy in China. Renewable Energy. 66, 641-649 (SSCI, SCI, EI)

    21、Cai B.F., Zhang L.X. * 2014.Urban CO2 emissions in China: Spatial boundary and performance comparison. Energy Policy. 66, 557-567 (SCI, EI)

    22、Zhang, L.X., Pang, M.Y., Wang, C.B., 2014.Emergy analysis of a small hydropower plant in southwestern China. Ecological Indicators. 38, 81–88 (SCI, EI)

    23、Shi W.F., Zeng W.H., Zhang L.X.2013. Modeling the vulnerability of an industrial system: An ideal system of a simplified reactor vessel. Safety Science. 59, 193-199 (SCI, EI)

    24、Liu G.Y., Yang Z.F., Chen B., Zhang, Y., Zhang L.X. 2013. Modelling a thermodynamic-based comparative framework for urban sustainability: Incorporating economic and ecological losses into emergy analysis. Ecological Modelling, 252, 280-287 (SCI, EI)

    25、Liu G.Y., Yang Z.F., Chen B., Zhang, Y., Su, M.R., Zhang L.X. 2013.Emergy Evaluation of the Urban Solid Waste Handling in Liaoning Province, China. Energies 2013, 6(10), 5486-5506 (SCI, EI)

    26、Su M.R., Yang Z.F., Chen B., Liu G.Y., Zhang Y., Zhang L.X., Xu L.Y., Zhao Y.W. Urban Ecosystem Health Assessment and its Application in Management: A Multi-Scale Perspective. Entropy, 2013, 15(1): 1-9. (SCI)

    27、Su M.R., Zhang Y., Liu G.Y., Xu, L.Y., Zhang L.X., Yang, Z.F., 2013.Urban Ecosystem Health Assessment: Perspectives and Chinese Practice. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health 10, 5874-5885 (SCI)

    28、Wang C.B., Zhang L.X. *, Liu J. 2013. Cost of non-renewable energy in production of wood pellets in China. Frontiers of Earth Science. 7(2):199-205 (SCI)

    29、Feng, Y.Y., Chen, S.Q., Zhang, L.X. *2013. System dynamics modeling for urban energy consumption and CO2 emissions: A case study of Beijing, China. Ecological Modelling 252, 44–52 (SCI, EI)

    30、Zhang, L.X.*, Wang, C.B., Song, B.2013. Carbon emission reduction potential of a typical household biogas system in rural China. Journal of Cleaner Production 47, 415–421 (SCI, EI)

    31、Zhang, L.X., Hu, Q.H., Wang, C.B., 2013. Emergy evaluation of environmental sustainability of poultry farming that produces products with organic claims on the outskirts of mega-cities in China. Ecological Engineering, 54,128– 135 (SCI, EI)

    32、Pang M.Y., Zhang L.X.*, Wang C.B., Liu, G.Y. 2013.Emergy Analysis of a Biomass Direct-fired Power Plant in Inner Mongolia of China. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management 1(4) (2013) 321-331

    33、Wang C.B., Zhang L.X. *.2012. A Hybrid Life-Cycle Assessment of Nonrenewable Energy and Greenhouse-Gas Emissions of a Village-Level Biomass Gasification Project in China. Energies 5(8), 2708-2723 (SCI, EI)

    34、Zhang, L.X., Song, B., Chen, B. 2012. Emergy-based analysis of four farming systems: insight into agricultural diversification in rural China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 28, 33–44 (SCI, EI)

    35、Zhang, L.X., Feng, Y.Y., Chen, B.2011. Alternative scenarios for the development of a Low-carbon city: a case study of Beijing, China. Energies, 4, 2295-2310 (SCI, EI)

    36、Zhang, L.X., Yang, Z.F., Liang, J., Cai, Y.P. 2011.Spatial variation and distribution of urban energy consumptions from cities in China. Energies, 4, 26-38 (SCI, EI)

    37、Zhang, L.X., Ulgiati, S., Chen, B. 2011. Emergy evaluation and economic analysis of three wetland fish farming systems in Nansi Lake area, China, Journal of Environmental Management 92, 683-694 (SCI)

    38、Liu G.Y., Yang, Z.F., Chen, B., Zhang, L.X., 2011. Analysis of Resource and Emission Impacts: An Emergy-Based Multiple Spatial Scale Framework for Urban Ecological and Economic Evaluation. Entropy 13, 720-743 (SCI)

    39、Liu G.Y., Yang, Z.F., Chen, B., Su, M.R., Zhang, Y., Zhang, L.X., Jiang, M.M., 2011. Extended exergy analysis of urban socioeconomic system: a case study of Beijing, 1996-2006. International Journal of Exergy. 168-191.

    40、Zhang, L.X., Yang, Z.F., Chen, B., Chen, G.Q.. 2009.Rural energy in China: Pattern and policy. Renewable Energy 34, 2813–2823 (SSCI, SCI, EI)

    41、Zhang, L.X., Yang, Z.F., Chen, B. et al. 2009.Temporal and spatial variations of energy consumption in rural China. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 14, 4022-4031 (SCI, EI)

    42、Zhang, L.X., Chen, B., Yang, Z.F. et al. 2009. Comparison of typical mega cities in China using emergy synthesis. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat14, 2827-2836 (SCI, EI)

    43、Zhang, L.X., Yang, Z.F., Chen, G.Q,, 2007. Emergy analysis of cropping-grazing system in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. Energy Policy 35, 3843–3855. (SCI, EI)

    44、Cai, Z.F., Zhang, L.X*., Zhang, B., Chen, Z.M. 2009.Emergy-based analysis of Beijing–Tianjin–Tangshan region in China. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 14 (2009) 4319–4331 (SCI, EI)

    45、Jiang, M.M., Zhou, J.B. Chen, B., Yang, Z.F., Ji, X., Zhang, L.X., Chen, G.Q.2009.Ecological evaluation of Beijing ecosystem based on emergy indices, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation14, 2482-2494 (SCI, EI)

    46、Liu, G.Y., Yang, Z.F., Chen, B., Zhang, Y., Zhang L.X., et al.2009. Emergy-based urban ecosystem health assessment: A case study of Baotou, China. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simul., 14 (3) 972-981 (SCI, EI)

    47、Song, Y.Q., Zhang, L.X..2001. The human impact on the mechanism of desertification in the Kerqin Sandy Region during the holocene. The Review of Archaeology 22, 61~68.

    48、Zhang, L.X., Yang, Z.F., Liang, J., Chen, B..2009.A GIS-based gradient analysis on landscape pattern of Tongzhou District of Beijing, China, 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics andBiomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2009), Beijing, 2009 (EI)

    49、Zhang, L.X., Yang, Z.F. 2009 Time Series Analysis on Ecological Competitive Capacity of Beijing Using Emergy Synthesis. 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (MASS 2009).Beijing, 2009 s(EI)

    50、Zhang, L.X., Wang, C.B., Yang, Z.F., Chen B..2010.Carbon emissions from energy combustion in rural China. ISEIS’2010 Conference, Beijing (EI)

    51、Hu Q.H., Zhang L.X*., Wang C.B., 2012. Emergy-based analysis of two chicken farming systems: a perception of organic production model in China. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 13: 445-454.

    52、Wang C.B., Zhang L.X.*, 2012. Life cycle assessment of carbon emission from a household biogas digester: Implications for policy. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 13: 778-789

    53、Feng Y.Y., Zhang L.X.*, 2012. Scenario analysis of urban energy saving and carbon abatement policies: A case study of Beijing city, China. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 13: 632-644.

    54、Feng, M.L., Sun, T., Zhang, L.X., Shen, X.M. 2012. Net Ecosystem Metabolism Simulation by Dynamic Dissolved Oxygen Model in Yellow River Estuary, China. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 13, 807-817 (EI)

    55、Zhang, L.X., Hu, Q.H., Feng, Y.Y.2012. Input-output model-based analysis of urban energy consumption of Beijing city: dynamics and comparison. International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2012), Jul 5‐8, 2012, Suzhou, China