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YIN Xinan
Release date:2023-05-15     Clicks:

Xinan Yin

  • Prof. Xin’an Yin Curriculum Vitae

    Xin'an Yin is the Professor of Aquatic Ecosystem Science and Director of the Institute of Aquatic Ecology Engineering at the Beijing Normal University, China. He is serving as an associate editor of River Research and Applications. He was selected as one national top young talent of the "10000 people plan" in China. His major research interests lie in the interdisciplinary study of rivers, focusing on interactions among the hydrological, environmental and ecological processes. This research has expanded to consider rivers as Social – Ecological Systems to enhance the science required to underpin the management of river ecosystem. His research has resulted in over 100 refereed journal papers.

    1 Education Experience

    2008/09-2012/01, PhD, Environmental Science, Beijing Normal University, China

    2009/08-2010/08, Joint PhD, Environmental Science, University of Westminster, UK

    2005/09-2008/06, Master, Environmental Science, Beijing Normal University, China

    2001/09-2005/06, Bachelor, Environmental Engineering, Beijing Normal University, China

    2 Working experience

    2022/03-now, Institute of Aquatic Ecology Engineering, Beijing Normal University, Director

    2018/09-now, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Professor

    2012/03-2018/08, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Lecturer, Associate Professor

    2011/08-2011/12, University of California, Berkeley, Visiting scholar

    3 Award

    National top young talent of the "10000 people plan" in China, 2017

    Beijing New-star Plan of Science and Technology, 2016

    Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, 2014

    First level, Innovation and Promotion Award of Industry-University-Research, China, 2019

    First level, Science and Technology Progress Award, Ministry of Education, China, 2012

    4 Research Project

    Eco-friendly reservoir operation to maintain the drift passage of pelagic fish eggs and larvae, National Science Foundation of China, 2021/01-2024/12, Principle Investigator

    Environmental flow assessment and management for lake-marsh systems, Ministry of science and technology, China, 2017/07-2021/12, Principle Investigator

    Eco-friendly reservoir operation to address the imbalance problem between flow temperature and magnitude regimes under climate change in Lancang River, 2016/01-2018/12, Principle Investigator

    Developmental strategy of 13th Five-Year of the water environment and eco-hydraulic engineering, National Science Foundation of China, 2014/01-2014/12, Principle Investigator

    Reservoir operating methods to sustain environmental flows in rivers regulated by cascaded hydropower reservoirs, National Science Foundation of China, 2013/01-2015/12, Principle Investigator

    Environmental flow operation based on the water electronic market power allocation adjustment, Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China, 2014/01-2016/12, Principle Investigator

    5 Journal service

    River Research and Applications, associate editor, 2022-now

    Hydrological Processes, Guest editor, 2020-2021

    Journal of Cleaner Production, Guest editor, 2019-2020

    Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science, editorial member, 2016-now

    6 Publications

    Over 100 refereed journal papers has been published. 30 representative papers are as follows:

    Yin XA, Yang ZF, Petts GE. Reservoir operating rules to sustain environmental flows in regulated rivers. Water Resources Research. 2011, 47: 427-438.

    Yin XA, Yang ZF, Petts GE, Kondolf GM. A reservoir operating method for riverine ecosystem protection, reservoir sedimentation control and water supply. Journal of Hydrology. 2014, 512: 379-387.

    Yin XA, Yang XH, Yang ZF. Using the R/S method to determine the periodicity of time series. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2009, 39: 731-745.

    Yin XA, Yang ZF, Yang W, Zhao YW, Chen H. Optimized reservoir operation to balance human and riverine ecosystem needs: model development, and a case study for the Tanghe Reservoir, Tang river basin, China. Hydrological Processes. 2010, 24: 461-471.

    Yin XA, Yang ZF. Development of a coupled reservoir operation and water diversion model: balancing human and environmental flow requirements. Ecological Modelling. 2011, 222: 224-231.

    Yin XA, Yang ZF, Petts GE. Optimizing environmental flows below dams. River Research and Applications. 2012, 28: 703-716.

    Yin XA, Yang ZF. A reservoir operating model for directing water supply to humans, wetlands, and cones of depression. Ecological Modelling. 2013, 252: 114-120.

    Yin XA, Yang ZF, Liu CL. Portfolio optimisation for hydropower producers that balances riverine ecosystem protection and producer needs. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2014, 18: 1359-1368.

    Yin XA, Mao XF, Zhao YW. Suitable range of reservoir storage capacities for environmental flow provision. Ecological Engineering. 2015, 76: 122-129.

    Yin XA, Yang ZF, Petts GE. A new method to assess the flow regime alterations in riverine ecosystems. River Research and Applications. 2015, 31: 497-504.

    Yin XA, Yang ZF, Liu CL, Zhao YW. An optimal hydropower contract load determination method considering both human and riverine ecosystem needs. Frontier of Earth Science. 2015, 9: 546-554.

    Yin XA, Yang ZF, Petts GE. Ecofriendly River Management under Ever-Increasing Environmental Pressures. River Research and Applications. 2015, 31: 403-405.

    Yin XA, Liu YM, Yang ZF, Zhao YW, Cai YP, Sun T, Yang W. Eco-compensation standards for sustaining high flow events below hydropower plants. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 182: 1-7.

    Yin Xin-An, Yang Zhifeng, Zhang Enze, Xu Zhihao, Cai Yanpeng, YangWei, A New Method of Assessing Environmental Flows in Channelized Urban Rivers. Engineering. 2018,4(5):590-596

    Yu CX, Yin XA (corresponding author), Yang ZF, Cai YP, Sun T. A shorter time step for eco-friendly reservoir operation does not always produce better water availability and ecosystem benefits. Journal of Hydrology. 2016, 540: 900-913.

    Shan He, Xin’an Yin (corresponding author), Yawen Shao, Wei Yang. Post-processing of reservoir releases to support real-time reservoir operation and its effects on downstream hydrological alterations[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 596: 126073.

    Xu ZH, Yin XA (corresponding author), Sun Tao, Cai YP, Ding Y, Yang W, Yang ZF. Labyrinths in large reservoirs: an invisible barrier to fish migration and the solution through reservoir operation. Water Resources Research. 2017, 53: 817-831.

    Tang J, Yin XA (corresponding author), Yang ZF. Suitable environmental flow release criteria for both human and riverine ecosystems: Accounting for the uncertainty of flows. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2012, 2012: 1951-1965.

    Yang P, Yin XA (corresponding author), Yang ZF. A revised range of variability approach considering the periodicity of hydrological indicators. Hydrological Processes. 2014, 28: 6222-6235.

    Zhao YW, Xu MJ, Wu SR, Yin XA (corresponding author). Development of a zoning-based environmental-ecological-coupled model for lakes: a case study of Baiyangdian Lake in North China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2014, 18: 2113-2126.

    Zhang LJ, Yin XA (corresponding author), Zhi Y, Yang ZF. Determination of virtual water content of rice and spatial characteristics analysis in China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2014, 18: 2103-2111.

    Zhao YW, Liu YX, Wu SR, LI ZM, Zhang Y, Qin Y, Yin XA (corresponding author). Construction and application of an aquatic ecological model for an emergent-macrophyte-dominated wetland: A case of Hanshiqiao wetland. Ecological Engineering. 2016, 96: 214-223.

    Xu ZH, Yang ZF, Yin XA (corresponding author). Hydrological management for improving nutrient assimilative capacity in plant-dominated wetlands: A modelling approach. Journal of Environmental Management. 2016, 177: 84-92.

    Xu ZH, Yin XA (corresponding author), Yang ZF. New model to assessing nutrient assimilative capacity in plant-dominated lakes: Considering ecological effects of hydrological changes. Ecological Modelling. 2016, 332: 94-102.

    He S, Yin XA (corresponding author), Yu CX, Xu ZH, Yang ZF. Quantifying parameter uncertainty in reservoir operation associated with environmental flow management. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 176: 1271-1282.

    Zhang EZ, Yin XA (corresponding author), Yang ZF, Xu ZH, Cai YP. Assessing crop virtual water content under non-standard growing conditions using Budyko framework. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2018, 131:259–270.

    Yang Y, Yang ZF, Yin XA (corresponding author), Liu Q. A framework for assessing flow regime alterations resulting from the effects of climate change and human disturbance. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 2018, 63:441–456.

    Zhang EZ, Yin XA (corresponding author), Xu ZH, Yang ZF. Bottom-up quantification of inter-basin water transfer vulnerability to climate change. Ecological Indicators. 2018, 92:195-206

    Xu C, Yin XA (corresponding author), Xu ZH, Liu HR, Yang Y, Yang ZF. Simulating the effects of regulation measures on ecosystem state changes in a shallow lake. Ecological Indicators. 2018,92: 72-81.

    Liu HR, Yin XA (corresponding author), Xu ZH, Cai YP, Yang W. Effects of reservoir operation methods on downstream ecological disturbance and economic benefits. River Research & Applications, 2019,35(7):955-965