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发布时间:2020-06-23     访问次数:

2020 International Summer Workshop:

Training Course on Environmental Accounting and Management


July 6-10, 2020

Online Course via Zoom

School of Environment, BNU, Beijing, China

International faculty members国际教师团队

Mark Brown is a professor of Environmental Engineering Sciences and director of the Center for Environmental Policy at the University of Florida. He is the Academic Master in BNU. His interests in research and education are centered on several areas that deal with the interface of humanity and environment including, systems ecology, ecological engineering, ecological economics, environmental planning, environmental policy, restoration ecology and wetlands ecology.

Mark Brown教授,佛罗里达大学湿地与环境政策研究中心主任,基地学术大师。师从系统生态学创始人H.T. Odum,主要研究领域为能源与环境政策、生态系统服务评估、湿地生态修复等方面,发表论文140余篇,文章引用5600余次,H指数35。国际能值协会创始人,曾担任美国生态工业协会主席。

Sergio Ulgiati is a professor of the Parthenope University. He is the Academic Master in BNU. His interests in research and education are centered on several areas that deal with the emergy analysis, circular economy, zero emission and urban ecological management.

Sergio Ulgiati教授,意大利Parthenope大学教授,基地学术大师。2007年至今长期致力于链接中意两国科研力量,研发循环经济理论、零排放技术并运用到管理实践之中。发表论文200余篇,其中“中国循环经济测量”和“中国与世界的可持续、幸福与循环经济”两篇文章发表在顶级期刊Science上,分享循环经济的实践与思考。

Chinese Teacher Team中方教师团队

Gengyuan Liu 刘耕源 (Beijing Normal University北京师范大学)

副教授,博士生导师。国际能值协会(International Society for the Advancement Emergy Research)中国分会秘书长。 长期致力于城市生态规划与管理、城市资源能源精细核算、流域内城市和城市群系统模拟与优化方面的研究。

课程培训报名Course registration:

本次课程培训将通过学堂在线MOOC课程和ZOOM平台以专题讲座的形式开展,课程对北师大8188www威尼斯学生免费,其他学院和学校的老师同学如果愿意参加,将少量收取课程培训费用(收费,统一安排,开具培训费发票:中央非税收入统一票据(电子发票)),请大家通过邮件报名参加。报名信息请发送到高老师邮箱(Email: gy_official@yeah.net),课程时间安排与其他信息将由邮件通知。



Five day workshop stressing emergy concepts, theory, and principles.  Each day is composed of 4 sessions, two in the morning and two in the afternoon.  One or two sessions each day is devoted to a case study that includes “hands-on” computation of emergy or simulation of models to reinforce lecture material and extend understanding of systems concepts.

DAY 1: What are emergy, exergy? Primary, secondary and tertiary global renewable sources

Morning 1 Introduction

Value and wealth

Systems of value

Brief overview of Emergy Accounting

Morning 2 - Systems and Systems Diagrams

Systems concepts

Introduction energy systems diagramming language

Quantitative diagramming and picture mathematics

Assignment 1: System diagramming

Afternoon 3 - Emergy & Exergy

Introduction to emergy, transformity, specific emergy, Maximum Empower Principles, hierarchical organization, quality.

Introduction to exergy, exergoecology, thermoecological costs, extended exergy analysis, ecological footprint.

Afternoon 4 - Geobiosphere Emergy Baseline

Geobiosphere Emergy Baseline, Global web

Computation of primary, secondary and tertiary global renewable sources

Accounting principles to avoid double counting

Assignment 2: Compute UEVs Global Secondary & Tertiary Sources

DAY 2 – Concepts of Emergy Accounting

Morning 5 - Emergy of Materials, Energy, and Finished Products

Material Cycles

UEVs of non-renewable fossil fuels

UEVs of minerals and metals

UEVs of slowly renewables

UEVs of some quaternary products

Morning 6 - Static Emergy Accounting

Emergy algebra

Emergy evaluation procedure

Static calculation

Assignment 3: Static Emergy Accounting

Afternoon 7 - Dynamic Emergy Accounting

Simulation of emergy

Network analysis of emergy


Afternoon 8 – Case Study: Emergy Evaluation Procedure

Emergy Evaluation of a system that yields a UEV

Assignment 4: Dynamic Emergy Accounting using Excel Solver

DAY 3 – Emergy Systems Concepts

Morning 9 – Emergy and the Economy

Emergy, economy and money

Emergy money ratio

Value Added

Emergy benefit to purchaser

Emergy exchange ratio


National Debt

Morning 10 - National Emergy Accounting

Emergy evaluation of nations

Introduction to the National Emergy Accounting Database (NEAD)

Efficiency of nations

Depletion of natural capital

Assignment 5: Exercises with NEAD

Afternoon 11 – Case Study: Emergy Evaluation of a Nation

Work with excel table of a national analysis

Afternoon 12 – Emergy and Urban Systems

Understanding urban systems

Settlement location

Urban Hierarchy

Central place theory

DAY 4 – Applications of Emergy Methodology

Morning 13 -  Emergy and ecosystems

What is a ecosystem?



Emergy of ecosystem components


Morning 14 – Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital

What are ecosystem services?

What is natural capital?

Case studies

Natural capital degradation and sustainability

Assignment 6: Estuarine Emergy Signature

Afternoon 15 - Landscape Development Intensity Index

What are ecosystem services?

What is natural capital?

Case studies

Natural capital degradation and sustainability

Afternoon 16 – Environmental Impact Assessment

Phosphate mining restoration

Power plant and estuarine cooling

Florida Everglades restoration

Assignment 7: Emergy evaluation of estuarine losses

DAY 5 – Alternatives

Morning 17 – Environmental Impact Assessment II

Marine Oil Spills static evaluation,

Marine Oil Spills dynamic evaluation

Morning 18 – Emergy Evaluation of Energy Alternatives

Nonrenewable energy sources

Net emergy

Renewable energy sources

Plastic or paper bags?

Disposable or cloth diapers?

Assignment 8: Compute Net Emergy

Afternoon 19 - Recycle

Evaluation of recycled materials

Evaluation of aluminum

Evaluation of waste food by-products

Afternoon 20 – Simulation Modeling

Combined models of humanity and nature

Simple growth models


Limiting factors

Models with economic and energy constraints

Population models

Ecosystem models

Assignment 9: Simulation using EXCEL

